Prolisur Acústica designs, manufactures and implements acoustic solutions for specific noise sources such as engine rooms, ventilation systems, encapsulations, chimneys, etc., for which the use of silencers, plenums and/or hoppers is normally essential.

All the acoustic materials used by Prolisur Acústica are tested and approved by official laboratories.

acoustic silencer
Acoustic encapsulations

We offer a wide variety of combinations and measures according to the needs of each work or the client without limit of measures. Both the silencers, as well as the plenums and hoppers are specifically designed for each noise source , once its needs have been determined by the Prolisur Acústica Engineering Department ,, including large-sized silencers (>10 m3), for large ventilation (garages, buildings, cruise ships, merchant ships, industry, etc.).

We also have anti-vibration benches, acoustic boxes, acoustic bars and custom-made acoustic visors.

Acoustic silencers are one of the possible solutions we use to achieve soundproofing and vibration control .
